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This time, I wanted to create a series of photographs based on the theme ”From Japan, to the world”.

By adding Japanese-type emotions and items, my goal was to produce art that incorporates the Japanese spirit while also integrating various international elements. I went location scouting in temples and shrines in Kyoto, taking photos in several places. At one temple I asked them for a big favor -- to light up the lanterns along the temple’s stone stairway in the early morning. I then had a model wearing high heels stand on the stairs and took photos of her. She stood absolutely still with an umbrella in hand, and the umbrella had a flash installed inside. It was summer and very hot, so the session was pretty brutal. Nevertheless, the M.Zuiko Digital ED 45mm f/1.2 PRO and OM-D E-M1 Mark II performed exactly as I hoped they would.

I made extensive use of costumes for this photo shoot. All the costumes were originals, designed specifically for this session. To make full use of the imaging power of the M.Zuiko Digital ED 45mm f/1.2 PRO, I selected kimono material with embroidery that gave a spatial effect, rather than materials with printed patterns. What I wanted to do was to challenge the expressive capability of this large-aperture lens to its fullest extent, taking full advantage of a design that emphasizes the quality of bokeh as well as the amount. In fact, the lens was able to express that feeling of quality consistently, making it possible for me to create work that I could be truly satisfied with. For the photography involving water, the combination with the OM-D E-M1 Mark II allowed me to create a realistic view of a world that is usually impossible to capture under normal circumstances.

M.Zuiko Digital ED 45mm F1.2 PRO

M.Zuiko Digital ED 45mm F1.2 PRO

90mm (35mm equivalent)
A large-diameter, medium telephoto lens which emphasises the subject for impressive photos

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