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Laurent Vu

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France makes a fabulous playground for the photographer. Whether you’re in the city or off the beaten track, sport is everywhere. France gives you beautiful landscapes, fabulous stadium architecture and the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean and their sunsets as backdrops. You can always take advantage of these photogenic settings to achieve beautiful sports images.

Some of the best surfing areas in France are on the west coast, close to Biarritz with its amazing sunsets. Shooting the Pro France surfing, I discovered the new Olympus OM-D E-M1X with the M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm F4.0 IS PRO (600mm equivalent) to be spectacular for capturing surfers in action. The focus tracking system was perfect for this sport and followed the surfers perfectly, even with the movement of the waves around them.
The OM-D E-M1X with its integrated handgrip stays compact and light—and is a very robust camera. Combined with the M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm F4.0 IS PRO I can still be highly mobile and reactive without a tripod.

Whether you’re shooting an MTB or a race car, the autofocus speed combined with the impressive burst of the OM-D E-M1X always lets you capture the best image in a series. The new multi-selector for quickly changing AF points or the new intelligent subject detection will always catch and follow your target.
Access to basic functions is through fully customizable buttons that save time changing settings and help prevent missing any photos.

When I was shooting a night-time rugby match in a stadium close to Paris, I had to work at 10.000 ISO sometimes to freeze the action of the players. The OM-D E-M1x mastered this perfectly, provided accurate AF, and I was really impressed with the images—they were well-detailed and low in noise.



The OM-D E-M1X Responsive Performance Every time

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