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Ranjan Ramchandani

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Photographing in the wild is always a challenge, even for the experienced photographer. It’s either the light conditions, vehicle restrictions, weather conditions, tourist incursions, human chatter and so on; The most important being – You never know when a unique moment is going to happen.

It is probably the best way to hone on your skills of the ‘Art’ of photography; there are no second chances. Once the moment is gone, it’s gone.It is probably the only genre where by one is on his or her toes all the time. I always say that one should keep a look out of your surroundings and start imagining frames with subjects in them as that way if the moment to capture does come, your frame is ready.

These are a collection of a few images from many I captured while driving though approximately 10% of the national park coverage in Kenya this year. Please do take note that these images have been captured in Low light, Morning and evening light and most importantly some in very harsh light conditions.

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