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Tracie Maglosky

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Recently, I was given an amazing opportunity to photograph a series of environmental portraits in the stunning and unpredictable country of Iceland. The land was magical and breathtaking. At every turn the views changed from soft, rolling hills to jagged rock formations to lava rock beaches. The weather was ever-changing giving us both rain and sunshine within just moments of one another.

Environmental portraits make up a large percentage of my work as a portrait artist. Whether I’m photographing a wedding, an outdoor portrait session or an on location modeling shoot, capturing the surroundings while keeping the subject of the image central to the composition is always at the forefront of my mind.

Focal distance is another consideration for environmental portraits. Capturing the landscape and giving a sense of place is important to the overall image. In this series of images, I chose the F1.2 lineup of M.Zuiko lenses including the 17mm Pro, 25mm Pro and the 45mm Pro.

This shoot in Iceland gave me a perfect opportunity to put all of the amazing features of my beloved Olympus gear to the test. From hiking under waterfalls to scaling cliffs at the Black Sands Beach, I really gained a fresh appreciation for the lightweight, water-resistance and rugged design of theE-M1 Mark II.

My experience in Iceland challenged me in so many new ways - working with the land to draw the eye of the viewer back to the subject, finding the frame that offered the story of the island and brought feeling to the moment and lastly, creating the lighting that would compliment all of the components to create the final capture.

OM-D E-M1 Mark II

OM-D E-M1 Mark II

Revolutionary speed and accuracy take your photography to a whole new level. The weathersealed E-M1 Mark II is one of Olympus’ fastest and most precise cameras ever, designed to be more powerful and portable than any DSLR.

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