Shin Yamagishi
Shin YamagishiJapan
Specializing in portraits of actors, pop stars, and athletes, Yamagishi shoots photos for a variety of publications including advertisements, model books, photo collections, and magazines. He has published over 350 photo collections and currently appears on a variety of TV programmes and in other media. He continues to photograph the renowned Hokkaido Ban’ei Horse Racing events, displaying and publishing these photos in books. He is also the Tokachi Tourist Ambassador and a member of the Japan Professional Photographers Society.
I’ve been shooting on Olympus cameras and lenses for over twenty years, so I know exactly how photos will turn out. The more important question is ’what should I shoot?’ As an answer to this, I’ve focused on the theme of shooting in sunlight in a natural setting.
I’m thoroughly familiar with the 40-150mm F2.8 lens, and it has the perfect balance of sharpness and softness.
For this shot, I felt that backlighting was appropriate due to the model’s white skin, different eye colour, and bronze hair colour.
The brightness of the widest aperture is a major advantage of this lens. As expressed in the photo, this is the best lens for me, because ever since I started using it, I feel like I’ve been able to expand my possibilities as a photographer.

OM-D E-M1 Mark II
OM-D E-M1 Mark II - Voor serieuze professionals.